Sharing Our Passion for Technology
& Continuous Learning
  • Data flowing from a datacenter to the cloud.

    Database Migrations at Scale with Fargate and Step Functions

    As holders of the Migration Consulting Competency from AWS, we are often deeply involved in cloud migration projects. We recently tackled a seemingly straight forward migration of an on-premise Postgres database to AWS Aurora. This database was a data warehouse that was shared by many teams and contained more than...
  • kubernetes logo on a blue background

    A Hands-On Tour of Kubernetes: Part 4 - Deployments and Replication

    Deployments So far we’ve been deploying pods directly. This has been a great way to gain familiarity with Kubernetes, but typically, we’ll rely on some other workload resource to create our pods for us. In this section, we’ll look at the Deployment resource. Creating a deployment isn’t too different from...
  • Kubernetes logo, in blue, on a blue to black gradient background

    A Hands-On Tour of Kubernetes: Part 3 - Communication and Services

    Pod Communication Our “applications” haven’t been too exciting so far. We’ve created some nginx pods and sent a few HTTP requests, but these pods aren’t talking to each other. Kubernetes complements a microservice architecture, but even if you follow a monolithic application design approach, we can anticipate there will be...
  • kubernetes logo on a blue background

    A Hands-On Tour of Kubernetes: Part 2 - Namespaces and Labels

    Namespaces We’ve only created one pod so far. Kubernetes wouldn’t be very special if we could only run one pod, so let’s try running multiple pods. $ kubectl run app-1 --image=nginx:1.24 pod/app-1 created $ kubectl run app-2 --image=nginx:1.24 pod/app-2 created $ kubectl run app-3 --image=nginx:1.24 pod/app-3 created It seems like...
  • kubernetes logo on a blue background

    A Hands-On Tour of Kubernetes: Part 1 - Introduction

    Introduction Kubernetes is a divisive topic in the world of software development. There seems to be an ardent following of both promoters and detractors. For some, Kubernetes is a herald to the upcoming golden age of cloud native software. We are on the cusp of reveling in workloads and infrastructure...
  • Making a Market

    Material Market: Coordinating Distributed Events

    My son and I were talking about a game idea over the weekend. In this game players would build small economies and trade with each other to simulate a supply chain. That requires a way to trade items and materials (like copper, wheat, etc.) without both players needing to be...
  • mobile development in manufacturing

    Case Study: Leveraging APIs to Build a Mobile App for the Manufacturing Segment

    One of our partners, a large manufacturing company, identified a need to create a mobile application that would be utilized by their internal sales and support staff. They turned to Source Allies to build this mobile application for them not only to solve a pain point they were having but...
  • Light bulbs with the text Plan Solution Idea

    Case Study: Financial Services Cloud Native Data Lake

    A Fortune 500 financial services partner wanted to transform their future actuarial community, re-engineer and automate manual workflows, and modernize technology tools to gain a competitive position in the market. We began with a customer-focused approach. Because the end-users consisted of the actuarial community and resident data scientists, we first...
  • cloud image to represent infrastructure as code and cloud development best practices

    Case Study: Leveraging Infrastructure as Code and DevOps Best Practices

    Source Allies saw an opportunity for our partner, a Fortune 500 agriscience company, to accelerate their digital transformation. In its current state, there were a dozen software development teams working on the same product who did not have confidence in the stability of their current cloud infrastructure and deployment environments....
  • Run containers anywhere

    ECS Anywhere First Impressions

    AWS ECS Anywhere First Impressions It isn’t often that we read the mass marketing emails that we all get everyday. AWS sends out an email each week (usually on Tuesday) with a list of recent updates and new services. I actually get a lot of value out of reading it...

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