Case Studies

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  • Evolving App Performance Excellence

    Initially tasked with developing a 2.0 version of an existing app, the project quickly evolved. Upon a...

    Initially tasked with developing a 2.0 version of an existing app, the project quickly evolved. Upon a critical demo request, the Source Allies team shifted focus to optimizing APIs and backend systems, significantly improving performance on the 1.0 app version.

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  • Emerson Super Measurable Success

    A partner needed help setting up the infrastructure to become a software provider. We coached our partner's...

    A partner needed help setting up the infrastructure to become a software provider. We coached our partner's teams on agile methodology which saw a 479% increase in agile maturity score.

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  • Query to Quality GenAI

    We engineered a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) solution to enhance the discoverability and utility of the existing...

    We engineered a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) solution to enhance the discoverability and utility of the existing user-generated content, creating a responsive user interface that retrieves relevant content to address user queries.

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  • Kubernetes as a Path to the Cloud

    A on-prem Kubernetes cluster was created spanning a client's large data center, and our team's expertise in...

    A on-prem Kubernetes cluster was created spanning a client's large data center, and our team's expertise in Kubernetes helped configure, upgrade and maintain it while bringing consistency between the on-prem environment and the cloud.

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  • Accelerating Insurance

    Our team helped develop a generative AI solution to streamline the appeals process by handling the detailed...

    Our team helped develop a generative AI solution to streamline the appeals process by handling the detailed aspects of insurance disputes, enabling patients to focus on their well-being rather than administrative hurdles.

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  • Harnessing ML to Drive Efficiency

    Our partner brought us in as technical coaches so they could identify a viable project, acquire ML...

    Our partner brought us in as technical coaches so they could identify a viable project, acquire ML expertise and successfully deploy an ML solution.

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  • Upskill and Deliver

    We worked with our partner to transition their existing team towards Agile methodologies and integrate best practices...

    We worked with our partner to transition their existing team towards Agile methodologies and integrate best practices into their workflows to ensure better results.

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  • Empowering Dev Teams Through Kubernetes Operators

    To help our partner significantly lower the turnover time of tickets, our team used their expertise with...

    To help our partner significantly lower the turnover time of tickets, our team used their expertise with Kubernetes to remove the entire ticketing process and increase efficiency of development teams dramatically.

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  • Large Scale EKSA Implementation

    Using Kubernetes, our team was able to help our partner unify their experience between the two environments...

    Using Kubernetes, our team was able to help our partner unify their experience between the two environments of the cloud and on premises data centers.

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  • Accelerating Underwriting

    We developed a system using generative AI and retrieval augmented generation (RAG) allowing underwriters to immediately find...

    We developed a system using generative AI and retrieval augmented generation (RAG) allowing underwriters to immediately find relevant information from a repository of soon to be over 1,000,000 pages of rules and regulations.

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  • MLOps In Practice

    To get automated predictions of an important business KPI, we built an MLOps system in AWS to...

    To get automated predictions of an important business KPI, we built an MLOps system in AWS to automatically retrain, evaluate, deploy, and monitor an ML time-series model.

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  • Building For Resilency

    A typical e-commerce three nines availability was not sufficient for seasonal and spiky order volume. Our customer’s...

    A typical e-commerce three nines availability was not sufficient for seasonal and spiky order volume. Our customer’s main concern was avoiding any downtime during these peak load times. They challenged Source Allies to re-architect an order placement subsystem that would be always on during these peaks.

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  • Data Pipelines Can Be Simple

    The established pipeline from harvest data ingest to end-user data visualization had taken years to assemble, involved...

    The established pipeline from harvest data ingest to end-user data visualization had taken years to assemble, involved highly complex transforms & hand-offs and required multiple large teams to maintain. With a week of budget remaining after finishing the mobile app, they green-lighted an attempt by us to produce a worldwide heat map from an entire season of raw harvest data.

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  • Grocery API

    Our customer, a $10B Midwest grocery retailer, has multiple RESTful microservices providing the same or highly overlapping...

    Our customer, a $10B Midwest grocery retailer, has multiple RESTful microservices providing the same or highly overlapping functionality. It was difficult for product owners to discover what data and functionality already existed. Development teams struggled to deliver APIs in the timelines needed, and consuming those APIs was complicated.

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  • Infrastructure As Code At Scale

    Source Allies saw an opportunity for our partner, a Fortune 500 agriscience company, to accelerate their digital...

    Source Allies saw an opportunity for our partner, a Fortune 500 agriscience company, to accelerate their digital transformation. A dozen software development teams working on the same product did not have confidence in the stability of their current cloud infrastructure and deployment environments.

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  • Payment Processing in the Cloud

    Our customer, a private university, had a 14 step process to accept donor gifts through modern payment...

    Our customer, a private university, had a 14 step process to accept donor gifts through modern payment solutions to capture the moment of altruism.

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  • Imagery Pipeline Setbacks

    ML adoption in the midwest is not as prominent as it is in tech hubs in the...

    ML adoption in the midwest is not as prominent as it is in tech hubs in the US. Our goal was to move the needle towards increased AI/ML adoption in the midwest.

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  • SageMaker Canvas And AutoPilot Tour

    ML adoption in the midwest is not as prominent as it is in tech hubs in the...

    ML adoption in the midwest is not as prominent as it is in tech hubs in the US. Our goal was to move the needle towards increased AI/ML adoption in the midwest.

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  • Reducing Latency and Global Data Governance

    Our partner did not have an international presence, and they were interested in expanding their product to...

    Our partner did not have an international presence, and they were interested in expanding their product to other territories. They were concerned that their customers' data would be stored and governed by the laws of another country. They challenged Source Allies to avoid that crossover.

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  • Anomaly Detection with IoT Data

    IoT Data sensors are not perfect and can send bad data. Odometer data is used to create...

    IoT Data sensors are not perfect and can send bad data. Odometer data is used to create preventative maintenance plans, so when data is incorrect, it can cause trucks to not go in when they should, leading to money and time lost.

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  • From Foundation to IoT Innovation

    One of our large agriculture manufacturing clients leveraged Source Allies consultants to develop and enhance their data-driven...

    One of our large agriculture manufacturing clients leveraged Source Allies consultants to develop and enhance their data-driven approach to monitor and improve its farming equipment's quality and efficiency. Machine data, sourced from multiple systems, is used to track hours of operation, distinguishing between idle, working, and transport hours.

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  • Weathering IoT Storms

    Our partner provides a Commercial Video Server (CVS) service to multi-national hotel chains. They needed to scale...

    Our partner provides a Commercial Video Server (CVS) service to multi-national hotel chains. They needed to scale CVS for 10X client support.

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  • Actuarial Data Lake

    Our client, a Fortune 500 financial services company, wanted to transform their future actuarial community, re-engineer and...

    Our client, a Fortune 500 financial services company, wanted to transform their future actuarial community, re-engineer and automate manual workflows, and modernize technology tools to gain a competitive position in the market.

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  • Paperwork Edeliveries

    Our Fortune 500 financial services partner was printing and mailing all policies to agents. The agents needed...

    Our Fortune 500 financial services partner was printing and mailing all policies to agents. The agents needed to coordinate signatures of multiple parties and then physically mail them back to the company before the policy could be activated.

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  • Lutron RadioRA

    In-office work has grown more inconsistent due to remote work. This project generates a predictive set of...

    In-office work has grown more inconsistent due to remote work. This project generates a predictive set of data to determine when lights should or should not be active.

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  • Next-GenERP

    Our partner found great success with their existing ERP system. It is flexible and fits well with...

    Our partner found great success with their existing ERP system. It is flexible and fits well with their business processes. There is a desire to modernize the look and feel of the system to enable it to reach a wider user base within the company and enable future enhancements.

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  • Global Sales API

    Our partner was in the process of rewriting the sales system responsible for all North American seed...

    Our partner was in the process of rewriting the sales system responsible for all North American seed sales. As part of this effort it was necessary to integrate with several dozen internal systems ranging from inventory management, production, accounting, marketing and more

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  • Iterative Excellence in Advancing RD

    Demonstrate the application of new technology, Augmented Reality (AR) to create a 3D scene illustrating agricultural sprayer...

    Demonstrate the application of new technology, Augmented Reality (AR) to create a 3D scene illustrating agricultural sprayer usage, leveraging weed detection data.

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  • Modernized Rating and Pay Performance System

    Our client, a government run national health system, partnered with Source Allies to modernize their rating and...

    Our client, a government run national health system, partnered with Source Allies to modernize their rating and pay- for-performance system for all doctors across the country.

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  • Agriculture Sync Service

    The feedback loop between our partner selling seed, recommending how to plant it, and determining the crop...

    The feedback loop between our partner selling seed, recommending how to plant it, and determining the crop harvest yield was clunky; data cards were removed from tractor computers and sent via FTP. Processing the data took hours, and the only way to visualize data was on the notoriously slow laptops carried by the salespeople.

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  • Cloud Native On Premise

    The client faced a unique challenge where their edge locations were diverging from the cloud due to...

    The client faced a unique challenge where their edge locations were diverging from the cloud due to the differences in how software is deployed and how it performs.

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  • Cloud Adoption Through Lift and Shift

    Our partner had an aging on-premise data center that was entering end of life. They needed a...

    Our partner had an aging on-premise data center that was entering end of life. They needed a quick way to move their servers into the cloud while leveraging existing teams and expertise.

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  • Cloud Migration and Modernization

    Move off of data center to cloud while concurrently changing software development process to be more agile...

    Move off of data center to cloud while concurrently changing software development process to be more agile and owned by app teams vs. infrastructure/admin team/ticket system based.

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  • Building Cloud Expertise During Migration

    During a cloud migration, our client found themselves needing to build expertise in cloud technologies while simultaneously...

    During a cloud migration, our client found themselves needing to build expertise in cloud technologies while simultaneously migrating their applications into the cloud.

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  • Identification of Migration Requirements

    Our client partnered with Source Allies to plan and execute a large-scale migration from multiple on-premises data...

    Our client partnered with Source Allies to plan and execute a large-scale migration from multiple on-premises data centers into the cloud.

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  • Azure Cost Tourniquet

    We worked with our partner to reduce their cloud spend after a successful lift-and-shift execution.

    We worked with our partner to reduce their cloud spend after a successful lift-and-shift execution.

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