Blog Insights
  • Two people discussing tests in front of a computer

    How My Team Uses Cypress for End-to-End Testing

    Take a look at how our team used Cypress to test an Angular project
  • Inspirational message left on teammate laptop

    Why You Should Use More Sticky Notes

    Let it be known that I love sticky notes. Probably cliché for a UX designer to say that, but hey, stereotypes exist for a reason. I use sticky notes every day, I use them at work and at home. They’re my go-to tool for taking notes or sketching out quick...
  • Colorful HTML with a black background

    Cypress In Azure

    Problem Statement In order to continue delivering quality code and reduce human error in manual testing we want to automate high priority manual tests. Solution Our team is using Cypress to automate high priority manual tests in order to reduce human error and provide testing that would be done manually...
  • A person working on some sweet tests on their computer

    Cypress for End-to-End Testing: An Overview of the Platform and Its Uses

    Today we will be looking at how Cypress allows us to write fast, easy, and reliable end-to-end tests
  • Tablet showing stock prices laying on table with pen and paper

    Analyzing Tesla Stock Volatility in R

    Reading news stories about Tesla feels like watching reality TV. Broken windows, lawsuits, and funny dancing are common to both. And just like reality TV affects those who are invested in the show (I’m looking at you, The Bachelorette fans), Tesla news stories affect those who have invested in the...
  • A megaphone held by a human hand

    Culture Spotlight: the Advocate Group

    As we gear up to hold our third annual Allies Week this January, which is organized by the Advocate Group at Source Allies, we thought this would be an excellent time to share a bit of the history behind the Advocate Group. The Early Days Source Allies has been a...
  • Three teammates posing for picture at AWS re:Invent 2019

    AWS re:Invent 2019 Recap

    AWS re:Invent is always an exciting time of year. For the past few years, Source Allies has sent a group of teammates for the annual event to come back and share all of the exciting things AWS is offering for the next year. We thought we would recap our experience...
  • Colored pipes in an industrial setting

    Event Sourcing

    Software development teams are responsible for building a wide variety of software to solve a wide variety of problems. Many of these software development projects implement business flows that have defined activities completed by specific parties. An architecture that implements these flows by mixing validation logic with record updates becomes...
  • Teammate smiling and waving by DSMAgile 2019 poster

    Takeaways from dsmAgile 2019

    We look forward to dsmAgile every year. It’s become an event that the Des Moines tech community has supported and gets excited about every fall. Presented by Agile Iowa, this is a conference that brings speakers (national, international, and local) and attendees together for a day to discuss, discover and...
  • Teammate with funny wig and stuffed Charmander

    Source Allies Hackathon Reflections

    Often times when a group of teammates get together, ideas are brought up on how to make Source Allies a better place. During a company-wide retrospective, where all teammates were invited, we were brainstorming possible things that could be done to bring teammates closer together. One particular table focused on...