Blog Insights
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    Signal To Noise

    The other evening I attended a technology industry event at a somewhat-trendy bar downtown. The event was intended to foster networking between newer entrepreneurial startups and more established tech companies. I eventually found myself comparing notes with a guy I’ll call “Sam.” Sam is responsible for sales at his company...
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    Asking the hard questions

    There was a post a while back on TechRepublic about how leaders ask questions. When was the last time you asked yourself what could go wrong? What are you doing to prevent it, or minimize it’s damage? I just got done reading Release It by Michael Nygard. I don’t remember...
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    Online malware scanner

    F-secure has the best antivirus/anti-malware software available. I have been using it since rootkits became a threat. F-Secure had a free app that would detect and remove rootkits which is a step above technet’s Rootkit Revealer. F-Secure licensing is inexpensive and user friendly. They also have an online scanner that...
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    ColdFusion for Rapid Application Development

    I’m helping to write a tool to edit simple database information in a browser. ColdFusion is meant for rapid application development and is perfect for this or any small scale data project because it’s very easy to quickly make pages and is designed for use with a database. One of...
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    Spring Roo Sample App Tutorial

    In this blog, I will start creating a web application used to organize bookmarks. Because only certain bookmarks are of interest to specific groups of people, I will use groups in our LDAP server to control which users see which groups of bookmarks. The entire blog will be released in...
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    Continuous Learning and Career Development Goals

    Continuous learning is a critical puzzle piece to staying competitive in today’s business world.  In the IT world specifically, as we all know, the only constant is the fact that processes are changing and new processes are evolving all the time!  In order to keep up with the learning curve, we must...
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    Building Multi-Criteria Search Queries in Hibernate

    In this post I am going to show how to write queries multi-criteria search screens. There are two approaches for making this possible. HQL for building the Query Building Query using Criteria API HQL for building the Query Here I am going to show 2 approaches to building the HQL...
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    Word Counts Example in Ruby and Scala

    A while ago I was asked, as a pre-interview task for another company, to write some code in any language that counted word frequencies in these newsgroup articles. I recently came across the Ruby and Scala scripts I wrote and thought it would be fun to post them. First, here...
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    Windows Black Screen Of Death

    It seems the Black Screen of Death has struck again. Microsoft isn’t confirming or denying that the issue was caused by a Microsoft update, but this issue is not new to Windows users. It affects all breeds of Windows OS, after logging in the screen goes black. Some users are...
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    Vim splits, an introduction.

    First off, lets get some test files: for i in foo bar cat dog ; do echo $i > $i ; done; This creates 4 files named  foo, bar, cat and dog. Each file has a single line that contains the file’s own name. Let’s open the first file: vim...