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  • infrastructure icon

    Who Bound Port 8080

    netstat -a -o Now I know that the process PLEX760... is listening to port 8080. It is trivial to kill the process using Task Manager now that I know the process ID (3832), but I really want to know what this thing is, and why it is getting started. This brings...
  • development icon

    YUI3 Lets You Call Webservices With No Server Required

    I like YUI3, mostly because I can use it to fill in the gaps between HTML4 and HTML5, and also because a single line of code can make a button zoom around the page: var myAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim( 'testButton', { width: { to: 400 } }, 1, ...
  • infrastructure icon

    Unplugging an LVM partitioned USB drive

    Recently I had the heartbreaking experience of having to reboot a Linux server. Normal usage should almost never require you to reboot the OS like you have to so frequently in Windows. In this case I had an external USB drive partitioned with LVM humming along on a Linux server....
  • infrastructure icon

    Apache/Tomcat with Failover and Load Balancing in 20 minutes or less...

    In order to get this done, you'll need Apache, Tomcat, and the MOD_JK connector library. I've included the Windows binaries below, as I'm writing this blog post from a Windows machine. Feel free to swap out these downloads with whatever RPM, YAST, APT, etc. commands you want. Also, you'll need...
  • infrastructure icon

    GlusterFS Replication for Clustering

    I recently was searching for a way to simulate shared physical storage in a VPS environment for clustering purposes. In an enterprise data center we can expect some type of SAN available to provide shared physical storage. GFS is a simple solution in this case to create a shared file system that...
  • default icon

    Who is the client?

    A while back, I read blog post discussing who is the client. Software projects frequently have many different clients, many of whom are frequently underrepresented throughout the development process. Do you know who all of the clients of your application are? What can you do to make...
  • default icon

    Signal To Noise

    The other evening I attended a technology industry event at a somewhat-trendy bar downtown. The event was intended to foster networking between newer entrepreneurial startups and more established tech companies. I eventually found myself comparing notes with a guy I’ll call “Sam.” Sam is responsible for sales at his company...
  • default icon

    Asking the hard questions

    There was a post a while back on TechRepublic about how leaders ask questions. When was the last time you asked yourself what could go wrong? What are you doing to prevent it, or minimize it's damage? I just got done reading Release It by Michael Nygard. I don't remember the...
  • default icon

    Online malware scanner

    F-secure has the best antivirus/anti-malware software available. I have been using it since rootkits became a threat. F-Secure had a free app that would detect and remove rootkits which is a step above technet's Rootkit Revealer. F-Secure licensing is inexpensive and user friendly. They also have an online scanner that...
  • development icon

    ColdFusion for Rapid Application Development

    I’m helping to write a tool to edit simple database information in a browser. ColdFusion is meant for rapid application development and is perfect for this or any small scale data project because it’s very easy to quickly make pages and is designed for use with a database. One of the...