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    Beanoh.NET: Spend Less Time Verifying Spring.NET contexts

    I Love Dependency Injection But .... I've burned myself so many times with dependency injection in the past. It make me nervous when I see a complex software product comprised of multiple projects and dozens of libraries without any comprehensive test that double checks the wiring. As our wiring grows...
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    Iterators, Functors and Predicates

    In this post I am sharing different ways to create ‘Custom Iterators’ and how to control the behavior of that Iterator. Also part of this article focuses on how to apply different operations on a selected elements within a custom iterator. The way to do this is to implement a...
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    Multi-Step Forms in Django

    Forms in Django seem to be a relatively advanced topic if you want to do anything outside of models.  Case in point: I had to develop a multi-step form in django that would spit out a certain result.  There were only two forms that the user needed to fill out,...
  • testing icon

    Automated Testing Strategy for Legacy Systems

    Once you catch the automated testing itch you want to write test for everything. But should we use the same strategy for every piece of software? The conclusion that I’ve come to is no. While I’m completely committed to the practice of TDD and aggressive test coverage, I’ve found that...
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    Code Quality Metrics with Sonar, Part I

    What is Sonar and Why it's Needed? I was fortunate to be able to attend the 2011 edition of No Fluff Just Stuff. One of my favorite presentations was by Matthew McCullough on Sonar. Hence, when the issue of code metrics was raised at a partner, Sonar seemed like the right tool...
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    Portlet Development using JSF, PrimeFaces and Spring

    This article presents techniques on how to develop Java Portlets using JavaServer Faces, PrimeFaces and Spring. This hands-on example will integrate all of these technologies into a single application. Assumptions This post assumes that you have a basic understanding of Portlet, JSF, PrimeFaces and Spring. And a good understanding of...
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    Parallel Programming With Barrier Synchronization

    Parallel Programming is an emerging computer science field that studies the opportunity of splitting data into small chucks and process them on multiple processors simultaneously which provides a faster execution time. Parallel programming is useful in sorting, image processing, network processing and may other memory intensive tasks. For parallel program...
  • Close-up of hand holding cell-phone

    Mobile Grails

    Background I was recently asked to throw together an application that would register and score a model car race. I went home and created a Grails app. Unfortunately this race will be held in a building that doesn’t have internet access. So I tried to keep my pages compact and...
  • development icon

    Injecting Spring Beans into Java Servlets

    If you are working in a Java Web Application and you are using Spring IoC Container in your application, there is a chance that you might have to inject Spring Beans into a Java Servlet. Since there is not a direct way to inject Spring Beans into a Java Servlet,...
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    Static Caching in Drupal

    If you’re a PHP veteran, then you know static caching is a relatively simple thing to do in PHP, but it can result in inconsistent behavior and sloppy code, such as adding an extra parameter to a function for the sole purpose of resetting that function’s internal cache. Drupal’s static...