Blog Insights
  • Computers with green light

    Deploying Azure Function with Azure Active Directory Authentication (Easy Auth) Interaction

    The use case we were trying to solve for our partner was to be able to invoke our .Net Core api that was protected by Azure Active Directory Authentication (Easy Auth). We also wanted to deploy this function via an ARM template to allow flexibility and feature parity in environments.
  • Teammate looking at code and pointing at screen

    Where Automation Lives

    This is part of our Quality Assurance (QA) Community of Practice’s testing collection. The goals of this collection are to spark ideas for teams without dedicated testers, to have open discussions about testing, and to share information on testing topics that we’re passionate about. Today we will be focusing on...
  • Teammates standing by DevOpsDays Des Moines poster

    DevOpsDays Des Moines 2019

    You’ve heard that Des Moines has a great technology community. We certainly do. I see it every day on the teams I work with and at the companies we partner with. One of the things that excites me the most is getting involved in the community and co-organizing events (like...
  • Teammates standing together and smiling

    What are Self-Directed Teams?

    When people talk about working for Source Allies, rarely do they go a sentence or two in without mentioning one of the defining characteristics of the company – the flat organization structure. Here at Source Allies, there is no one looking over your shoulder or telling you what to do....
  • Teammates watching a presentation during Allies Week

    Allies Week

    Here at Source Allies, we took a whole week in January to consciously display the qualities that compose our core values and make us unique as a company; we called it “Allies Week”! We viewed this week as an opportunity to learn more about our teammates, collaborate across teams and...
  • Man on computer with headset

    Tips and Tech to Thrive While Pairing Remotely

    Throughout my eight years at Source Allies, I have had the opportunity to work on several teams at our various projects. Most of the time our teams work in open collaborative spaces, where pair programming is done side-by-side. However, there are occasions where I have paired with developers remotely. As...
  • Notepad, pen, laptop, and letters spelling 'DREAM' all sitting on a desk

    Go Goal Crazy!

    As we head into 2019, it’s time to start thinking about what we want to achieve in the new year, so let’s go goal crazy! Some people think that setting a goal is the easy part and the follow up to make it happen takes all of the effort. I...
  • Teammates walking in front of wall that displays Source Allies's values.

    Culture and Mindset Propels Growth

    Ask any Source Allies teammate what the key to our success is, and they will tell you without hesitation it is our positive culture and ownership mindset. We have a culture that supports teams making their own decisions and shaping their own future. This culture enables Source Allies to be...
  • Repeated question marks

    Asking the Right Questions

    In a previous blog post, Brenda Peshak discussed the “Definition of Done”. As a team, we ran through an exercise to understand requirements and determine Minimal Viable Product (MVP). This got me thinking about real life examples of software and how decisions made by product owners and product managers directly...
  • Rows of beans in a field

    Building a Mobile App using John Deere's IoT APIs

    Each summer Source Allies offers an apprentice program to college students who want to develop their software development and consulting expertise. This summer’s team consisted of four returning apprentices – Alec, Jared, Max, and myself – as well as one new apprentice, Yousef. Project Each year the projects vary from...