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Solr – features and configuration details
Solr is a standalone enterprise search server with a web-services like API. You put documents in it (called "indexing") via XML over HTTP. You query it via HTTP GET and receive XML results. Some of the main features of Solr are: Solr Uses the Lucene Search Library and Extends it! More...Nutch - features and configuration details
Nutch is a framework for building web-scale crawlers and search applications. It is free and Open Source and uses Lucene for the search and index component. Nutch is built on top of Lucene adding functionality to efficiently crawl the web or intranet. Now the most obvious question is “Why Nutch...Musings of a SpringOne 2009 Attendee - Day 3
Some of the questions this session set out to attempt to answer were Several definitions of Architecture were quoted from prior literature. Such as architecture being the the shared understanding of the system being built. Shared understanding between a group of people who need to communicate about it -- developers and...Musings of a SpringOne 2009 Attendee – Day 2
Running a day late on my posts. Here's day two (yesterday) David walked through the creation of a Grails web application to track a JUG's meeting schedule. I liked his presentation style or maybe because the room wasn't very crowded things just registered better. Picked up a few tips such as...