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    Automated Plant Watering System

    Taking care of indoor plants can be work, especially if you have many of them. As you know water plays a major role in the health of plants, so lets automate it! Automation of watering plants can be cheap, fun and rewarding. Some quick history about plant watering and why I...
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    Customizing CSRF Protection in Spring Security

    Starting in Spring Security 3.2, developers gained an easy solution to their Cross-Site Request Forgery problems with Spring's implementation of the Synchronizer Token Pattern. Spring's documentation does a great job of explaining Synchronizer Token Pattern and their implementation, so rather than talk about all of that, I'm going to show you...
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    How to Implement the Splitter and Aggregator Patterns with Apache Camel

    I have found that Apache Camel is a good way to load data from log files into a database. Read on to see how I did this using the splitter and aggregator patterns with Apache Camel. Example: username1,fname1,lname1,email1,action1,start-time1,end-time1 username2,fname2,lname2,email2,action2,start-time2,end-time2 username3,fname3,lname3,email3,action3,start-time3,end-time3 username4,fname4,lname4,email4,action4,start-time4,end-time4 username5,fname5,lname5,email5,action5,start-time5,end-time5 username6,fname6,lname6,email6,action6,start-time6,end-time6 . . . //This can go 150000 records Now what we want is to transfer these huge records from...
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    SphinxSearch | Full Text Searching

    This article explains how to use SphinxSE, Sphinx real time indexing, and set up Sphinx in order to improve search query performance.   First some background about issues surrounding full-text search. Why does someone need a full text search engine? A MySql database with over a million records will take a...
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    Getting Started with Camel: Error Handling

    Error handling is tricky. Not because it's especially hard to do, but because everyone (operations, the business team, fellow programmers) seems to have a different idea of how a particular situation should be handled. A web service is down? No problem. You should try again every five seconds, but no...
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    Code Quality Metrics with Sonar, Part III: Sonar in a Ant-based Java Project

    Now we will cover the fun stuff for which we've been waiting. In this post, I'll go over how to setup Sonar for a Java project that utilizes Ant for its build.  I'll go through the basic steps for installing and running a Sonar instance, and how to use a...
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    Code Quality Metrics with Sonar, Part II: Overview of Sonar features

    Please note that wherever required I'll be using the Apache Abdera project from the nemo instance to illustrate some features and functionality available in Sonar. To find the Apache Abdera project you can do one of the followings: Sonar and its metrics are about improving the code quality. That is, they are for positive...
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    Using Git with Subversion

    If you haven’t heard of Git or don’t understand why you should use it, checkout the talk given by the author to Google (Torvalds, 2007). Git is an excellent version control tool for agile software development. But many of us may not have the luxury of using Git because our company has...
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    Getting Started With Camel: Marshalling

    In my last post on Camel, I spent some time introducing you two of its biggest players, the Context and the Route, by means of a simple problem - processing data coming in via file. If all we had to do was move the file, we could call our job...
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    IRC Reporter

    Recently I was asked to make a bot for a local user group. The bot would simply report new events into the topic of an IRC channel. After the bot was created I decided to write an article about it and publish the code. The code and article  can be found here: Basically the bot will...