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    Java 8: Parallel vs Sequential Stream Comparison

    Motivated by the introduction of Lambdas in Java 8, I wrote a couple of examples to see how difficult it would be to follow a functional programming paradigm in real production code. I will demonstrate using some features from Java 8 with a simple and fun example. The application basically gets the...
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    6 Concerns Before Using an Open Source Library

    During my career, I've worked at various organizations that had different stances toward open source frameworks and tools. Some of these organizations absolutely did not want  anything open source near their code base. Others had a small set of "blessed" open source frameworks we were allowed to use. Some of...
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    Java: An Oriented Object Language

    Java is an object oriented (OO) language. It internally embraces the best practices commonly accepted in OO programming. During this article we will be addressing two of the key concepts of OOP, Encapsulation and Inheritance. So let’s get started. What is the core defining concept of any OO language? The creation...
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    Neatly Clean Up Your CSS Layout

    Recently I started to use a more minimally-responsive CSS framework called Neat, since I was unhappy with the total offerings of so many others. This article will explain how to start using the basics of Neat in order to better understand how the framework works before using it in projects. Before...
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    How We Improved Our Productivity 500% for $800

    I convinced a partner to upgrade the computers we were using for software development. Maybe this article will help you convince your manager to do the same! The cost for this improvement was $2,500 - $1,700 = $800. If you assume a developer has a $75,000 salary, it would take...
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    Unlearning jQuery

    Now that you have already learned jQuery, let's unlearn it and get back to the basics. In this article, we will quickly go over the most common things that jQuery is currently used for and convert them to pure javascript. jQuery is a great tool and contains polyfills that are beneficial....
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    Should Developers Learn More Than One Language?

    This is an interesting question. Let’s think of it this way: Does a carpenter only use one type of saw? Does a mechanic only have one type of wrench? No. In short the answer is, as craftsmen of code, we are only as good as the tools that we know...
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    The Danger of Carrier Objects

    In the everyday world, it's usually a good thing to have what you need ahead of time, even if there's a possibility of never using it: I'm going to school, better pack my books; I'm taking a flight this afternoon, better bring some earplugs; I'm going to a meeting, better...
  • development icon

    Dry Up Your CSS

    As we start to build websites with mobile first in mind, our stylesheets can get messy really quick. In this article, we'll talk about making your stylesheets more functional and easier to read at the same time. We will take a quick peek into SASS, and the benefits that it...
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    Put the Grunt Work Behind You

    Gulp is quickly becoming the the leading task runner over grunt. If you are currently using Grunt or even worse, an ant task, then I highly recommend this topic for you. In this write up, we will quickly discuss Grunt, Gulp, and Gulp syntax. Let's take a look at how Grunt...