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Blog Insights

  • ship navigating a storm

    Navigating Chaos: lessons learned from a high-intensity project

    On any given team, lots of time, effort, and thought goes into determining the team culture. This includes Agile practices and ceremonies, the discovery process, collaboration strategies, and communication with stakeholders. A high-priority project with a tight deadline can disrupt these routines. Some practices will need to be shelved until things...
  • ECS Anywhere Thumbnail

    ECS Anywhere First Impressions

    AWS ECS Anywhere First Impressions It isn't often that we read the mass marketing emails that we all get everyday. AWS sends out an email each week (usually on Tuesday) with a list of recent updates and new services. I actually get a lot of value out of reading it over. A...
  • Traefik's architecture graphic

    Free HTTPS/SSL Certificates for Home Docker Hosting

    So you've discovered the wonderful world of Docker and are running containers left and right. You can effortlessly spin up any application under the sun and browse it locally. What more could a techie want in their home server hosting environment? HTTPS Padlock Valid Certificate That HTTPS Padlock showing you’re a...
  • A person seeking mastery, collaborating with their teammate on an open laptop

    Seeking Mastery

    From Warren Buffet to Kobe Bryant, it has been said the absolute best thing for you to do as a professional is to invest in yourself. For some, that is reading about or researching a specific topic to learn something new. The goal is to get the learning juices flowing...
  • Worm hole-like tunnel of blocks and binary numbers fading into a light blue center.

    Case Study: Optimization of Monolithic APIs

    DEFINING THE PROBLEM One of our partners who manufactures agriculture equipment began to experience growing pains with a high-volume API platform. The platform had grown into a monolith that was making it increasingly difficult to tune performance and add new features. Source Allies was asked to provide guidance and technical expertise to modernize...
  • Glowing keyboard

    Vim in Ten Keys

    Vim in Ten Keys If you're reading this, you're curious about Vim. Maybe you're a curious person. Maybe there's some really annoying person on your team who will just not shut up about it, and you're trying to placate them. Maybe you opened it by accident, can't get out, and have...
  • Developer with open editor in terminal

    GraphQL: From Zero to Schema

    GraphQL: From Zero to Schema What is GraphQL? Why would I want to use it? At its core, GraphQL is a query language for an API, just as SQL is a query language for databases. What this means is that GraphQL is a specification that allows our clients to query for exactly...
  • People helping eachother climb a mountain

    Pro Tips for Onboarding a New Teammate

    Pro Tips for Onboarding a New Teammate Intro Last month’s blog post, Pro Tips for Joining a New Team, was from the perspective of the reader joining a team. But what if you’re a member of a team that is onboarding a new teammate? Look no further, we’ve got you...
  • two developers working on mobile application

    Case Study: Mobile Development to Improve Global Farming

    DEFINING THE PROBLEM For farmers, planting seed can be a complex process entailing planning and forecasting. Many agriculture companies across the U.S. invest in technology with hopes of improving both the process and overall annual yield. Initiatives like this start with a comprehensive look at current processes and operations to identify...
  • a group of five people are gathered around a table with laptops, mobile devices, and pencils engaged in a lively discussion probably about software development

    The Community Taught Developer

    The Community Taught Developer I do not have a formal education in Computer Science, nor did I attend a Coding Boot Camp. In fact, I took my first job as an application developer with the understanding that I had ZERO experience and we would be doing the “sink or swim” method...