Blog Insights
Monte-Carlo Localization in a Nutshell
If you're a nerd like most of us here at Source Allies, you probably think robots are cool. One of the most important part of robotics is teaching the robot to find its location on a geographic map - a process known as "localization." One such algorithm for solving this...Sorting your Beans
Need to sort a list of custom objects? Instead of coding up a custom implementation of your favorite sorting algorithm, you can simply use the tools provided in the Collections class (Collections framework) paired with the BeanComparator class (Apache project). Simple example: you have a List of Person objects and you...Add some "magic" to PHP apps: Dynamic properties
There are no doubts that PHP made a huge impact on Web development industry. Because of it's flexibility, PHP finds it's usage in many areas, starting from simple Web sites and ending with complex Web applications (i.e. frameworks, shopping carts, etc...). So, today I'd like to share with you how can...Spring LDAP Group Authorization Tip
The folks at Spring have made it extremely easy to allow your application authenticate and authorize users with Spring LDAP. This blog entry explains how to check your directory structure and use some sparsely documented Spring LDAP parameters ({0} and {1}) to get everything working. In your Spring Security configuration, pointing...Strict Quote Escaping in Tomcat
I just started here at Source Allies (loving it here so far, btw!) and inherited an aging code base to resurrect. It was originally deployed on Tomcat 5 and one of the issues I encountered upgrading to Tomcat 6 was strict quote escaping. The code base has lots of JSPs with...Nutch and Solr for Open source “Google-like” search??
This is a follow-up blog to Matt's earlier post on Open Source Enterprise Search We all love Google don't we? Right from searching the web or the company intranet to searching internal source code, we just “google” everything. Now, won't it be more fun to do by yourself what Google does...Solr – features and configuration details
Solr is a standalone enterprise search server with a web-services like API. You put documents in it (called "indexing") via XML over HTTP. You query it via HTTP GET and receive XML results. Some of the main features of Solr are: Solr Uses the Lucene Search Library and Extends it! More...Nutch - features and configuration details
Nutch is a framework for building web-scale crawlers and search applications. It is free and Open Source and uses Lucene for the search and index component. Nutch is built on top of Lucene adding functionality to efficiently crawl the web or intranet. Now the most obvious question is “Why Nutch...Hibernate Criteria trick
So here's the situation. Let's say I have this query here: SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employee_id NOT IN ( 1234 , 3456 , 5678 ); How do we do that with the Hibernate Criteria object with a Restriction? You would think that the Restrictions API would have a "not in" method, since it...Image Processing Using ImageMagick and JMagick
ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform...